Welcome to CancerClotâ„¢. Whether you currently have a blood clot or you are seeking information on risks and prevention, you've come to the right place. The information here is designed to give you answers to the questions you may have about thrombosis. The topics below reflect the menu above to give you quick access to the information you're looking for.

Blood Clots, Cancer and You
Take a closer look at the key facts, signs and symptoms of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE)

Blood clots and cancer
What is the link between cancer and deep vein thrombosis, and which cancer types are associated with a higher risk of DVT? Find these answers and more here.

Additional DVT risk factors
The risk of DVT is associated with cancer, but there are other conditions that could also add to your risk. If you plan to speak to your doctor or oncologist about DVT, it would be good to mention any of the additional risks you may have. Find them here.

FAQs: Must know facts about clots
If you already know you are in a high-risk category, you may have lots of questions about blood clots. We’ve compiled a list of FAQs. Here you may find many of the answers you’re looking for, including who gets clots and other risk factors unrelated to cancer.
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Warning signs of DVT and PE
Symptoms of DVT or PE can be difficult to identify, as they are different for everyone. Learn how to recognise warning signs here.

How are DVT and PE diagnosed?
Your doctor has access to a few different diagnostic procedures for deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. Before you see your doctor, you may want to be familiar with them. Read more here.

Minimising your DVT risk factors
Some lifestyle habits and hereditary conditions could also influence your risk of developing DVT. There are steps you can take to minimise some of these risks. Find out more here.